
標題: [轉]戰爭之地-序幕 Land of War-The Beginning(PC@國際版@FI@12.05GB) [打印本頁]

作者: 雪倫庫薩提    時間: 2021-6-13 01:52 AM     標題: [轉]戰爭之地-序幕 Land of War-The Beginning(PC@國際版@FI@12.05GB)

本帖最後由 雪倫庫薩提 於 2021-6-13 01:52 AM 編輯

●【遊戲名稱】:戰爭之地-序幕 Land of War-The Beginning




●【開發廠商】:MS GAMES sp. z o.o.

●【販售價格】:NT$ 438(Steam價格,可能會隨活動或組合包有所變動)
●【遊戲簡介】:本帖簡介轉自蝦說steam(2021/06/11發行),2021/06/18前特價NT$ 372如覺得小弟的帖子設計得不錯,請下載的大大們可以順手點個支持(大於100支持帖子會自動加上"")小弟有整理之較高人氣火薦帖的名單歡迎參考,謝謝您的支持

#《戰爭之地-序幕(Land of War - The Beginning)》是一款第一人稱射擊游戲,游戲的背景設定在1939年德國“閃電戰”入侵波蘭時,描繪了波蘭人在德國入侵期間的開場片段和戰鬥。玩家將使用“ur”反裝甲炮和裝甲列車與德國裝甲師作戰。


遊戲動畫影片 1 2 3 下載前建議先看看!
Land of War is the world’s first, first-person shooter game fully dedicated to the outbreak of WWII in Poland in September 1939. It portraits the opening episodes and battles fought by Poles during the German invasion.

《戰爭之地》絕對是第一款以1939年二戰為主題的電子游戲。這場早期的戰爭直到現在才被完全忽略。來自獨立開發工作室MS Games的創造者決定用他們的首個作品來填補這個空白。這款游戲可以看作是最近發行的其他與二戰有關的游戲的序幕。這款游戲的靈感來自一些史詩作品,如MOHAA或COD1,並帶來了良好的懷舊氛圍。
Land of War is absolutely the first video game to concentrate on the 1939 episodes of WWII. This early-stage war was completely omitted until now. Creators from an independent development studio MS Games decided to fill this gap with their debut production. This game can be seen as a prologue of other, WWII-related games recently released. The game was inspired by some epic productions like MOHAA or COD1 and brings back a good, nostalgic climate.

An old school WWII first-person shooter drawing inspiration from classics like “Medal of Honour” or early “Call of Duty”

The creators of LoW are fanatics of classical WWII shooters. As a result, their product reflects the principles underlying some of the earliest games in the genre: clean and simple gameplay with intuitive steering and plenty of enemies to kill. Game chapters are based on epic, historical battles, and authentic gear and equipment. It provides fast-paced action, a constant exchange of fire, and intensity of fight based on yet uncharted period of WWII.

除了不尋常的戰爭時期,《Land of war》還探索了以前從未或很少在游戲中使用的武器。有些武器在戰爭開始時還只是原型。其他的只在第二次世界大戰的第一章中使用,后來隨著戰爭蔓延到世界各地而不再使用。使用這個裝備,了解它獨特的能力和背後的故事。
Along with the unusual war period, Land of War explores weapons never or rarely used in games before. Some of those weapons were prototypes only at the start of the war. Others were only used in the first chapter of WWII and were not used later as the conflict spread across the world. Use this gear, learn about its unique abilities and stories behind it.

●【下載/安裝教學】:建議使用JDownloader2下載器複製連結後下載 / 解壓縮 /以DAEMON Tools Lite虛擬光碟程式開啟ISO檔,並執行setup(路徑自選,需勾選"apply crack"以破解) / 執行Land_of_War.exe



FI (FI空間:優點:較為穩定;缺點:只能單檔單檔下,有限制下載數)




戰爭之地-序幕 Land of War-The Beginning




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